Blog Music

Friday, April 11, 2008

All the Same

So, dreams are a funny thing. 9 times out of 10 they suck in one way or another- for me at least. I either have some sort of nightmare or I have a really good dream that makes me sad when I wake up because I realize it wasn't real. I had a night full of those last night and I kind of wished I could have dreamed like that forever and never had to wake up.

I haven't really decided which dreams are worse, the bad ones or the good ones.

It really perplexes me about what dreams actually are. What do you think? I'm still really unsure. All I know is that the mind is one incredible thing.

But anyways, last nights dreams got me thinking; I realize that I'm really missing something right now. And I just don't know how to get it. I think I finally know exactly what I want, and now that I know what I want- I can't have it. I still can't decide which is worse, not knowing what you want at all? or knowing what you want and having no means to ever get it? I mean, you can wish all you want to, but it only makes it that much more dissapointing in the end.

I have decided that dreams are stupid and that they are only there to remind you of things you don't want to think about. =/

Moving on though, I decided today that if my life was a greek tragedy then my tragic flaw would be the fact that I'm ruled by my emotions and my boy-weakness. Two really pathetic things in my opinion haha. What do you think yours are?

Ah I like how I address this to people, saying "you" and asking questions, when in actuality there is probably not one person who has read any of this or will ever comment. But thats okay =] because its still fun.

Anyways, time for some inspiration. The song is "Broken" by Lifehouse (one of my favorite songs ever) and the picture is by SnnR on DA.

"I am here still waiting, though I still have my doubts."

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