Blog Music

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Never Take Friendship Personal

I was thinking about something today. Its odd, when you're little you are taught what to do when a stranger comes up to you, or what happens if theres a fire, or what to do in an emergency, and all those things. Those things that have simple answers. Don't talk to them; meet at a designated spot; call 911.

But its funny, looking back, the things that actually matter the most are the things that no one told you about. How do you deal with peer pressure? How do you deal with loneliness? What about when your parents get a divorce? or when someone dies? or how do you deal with an addiction? Why doesn't anyone teach you about anything that matters? They don't tell you how to deal with real anger and jealousy; they don't tell you how to forgive someone who really hurts you. They don't teach you about falling in love or getting your heart broken. They don't tell you about wars and starvation and poverty; they don't tell you about nuclear weapons and crooked politics. They don't teach you about how to deal with lack of confidence or confusion or how to decide your future. I mean, I know its like telling a kid that Santa isn't real. But you grow up thinking that life is a cake walk, and then its like BAM! Now, deal with it. I don't know. I guess its just like, all those years worrying about being kidnapped or my house burning down or having to call 911, I should have been thinking about how to defend myself against things that are so much more personal, you know?

In other news, honesty is dying. Just thought everyone should know. Lies and dishonesty seem to be eating away at the people in my life. It makes me sad.

Anyways, I don't remember where else I was going with this. So I guess I'll end it. The quote is from Never Take Friendship Personal by Anberlin, and the picture was made by Plim-Chan.

"Once a skeptic, now the critic. And you figured you finally found a place of your own amongst the cold and timid souls where only failure knows your name. Look around for the closest to blame, but look no further than the hands beneath your arms."

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