Blog Music

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Love Like Winter

It's ironic-

I finally like the person I am. I mean, there is still a part of me that wants to lose weight and have clearer skin and be a better person and all that. But I really do like who I am.

And I have no one to share it with.

I feel like I have all these people around me and for some reason it makes me feel that much more isolated.

I know that probably sounds dumb, I don't know.

Anyways, here is a quote from Anberlin's "There is No Mathematics to Love and Loss"

"Where does one start to pick up the pieces of a gasoline heart? Words lost their meanings long ago."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am glad you like who you are and sometimes it takes time for all of us to like who we are. Especially if there are things we need to get through and straighten out in our own mind. I enjoy reading your post. Who is the baby you speak of and how old. It is a hard job doing school and caring for a baby. I am trying to care for a family, older parents and work plus online college. It is tough. Been going a couple yrs now. Good luck with your efforts and trials combined, they all are together, good and bad, no matter how we look at them. Take care, Pat