Blog Music

Monday, May 26, 2008

Just Let Go

It's been a while; over two weeks. Guess there hasn't been much to say. Nothing to say that hasn't been said in this blog twenty times. So, there are a couple things that I want to get out. =]

Number one, I saw this old lady at the hospital the other day when Mommy went to go and get some xrays done (shes fine) and she is wheeled in, and she has to be at least eighty or so. And her nurse wheels her over to this guy thats probably in his fifties. And she smiles and says "Oh son, your the only thing I've got left. I'm so glad you came." He was there to take her to all of her appointments. The nurse said she'd come and get her after they were done. The little old lady sounded so sad. It made me want to cry. It must be so sad to get older and feel like you've got nothing left. I feel bad for the older people that are in hospitals or nursing homes and they dont have anyone there or they start falling apart mentally and physically. Its really sad. But maybe thats an ignorant thing to say. I don't know.

And the second thing, is that I finally stopped feeling empty and I figured out whats wrong with me. I feel like I've kind of slipped between the cracks, you know. Like, everyone that I was important to, I'm not so important to them anymore. And everyone that I care about, doesn't need me anymore. I guess I realized that I need people to need me. And now I guess no one really needs me. I know its a stupid problem to have, but its the truth. I want to really matter to someone. I mean, I know that I have friends that probably depend on me. But they don't need me, they just need someone. And I guess thats the part that stinks. But I can't really tell if I'm unraveling or if I'm just hardening myself now. Guess its kind of both. I know that doesnt make much sense.

Last thing is that I'm getting tired of putting myself on the line. I'm tired of being let down. I'm tired of people messing with my head and not being honest. Just be honest with me. I think that people assume I can't take the truth. I'd rather you just tell me. After being friends with Sarah for eight years, I know how to take the truth. Don't skirt around it, don't sugarcoat it, don't avoid it. Just tell me. I avoid telling myself the truth so its easier when other people tell me themselves. Because messing with someones head isnt nice. And I'm tired of it happening to me. I can only be dragged around for so long. Maybe they think that I'll always be here to put up with crap and that I can just be a convenience, but I'm tired of putting up with it. I'm sooooo tired of putting up with it and putting myself on the line. It just sucks when you tell people the truth and they ignore it.
Anyways, thats about it. I'm sure there were other things that I could have said, but this is already fairly long, and my fingers are tired. So here is todays picture is by deckchairs and the song is Just Let Go by Mae

"I'll give you all I've got, just spare me your time and I promise you won't want to leave."

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Runaways

Wow, I can't believe its been a week and a half. I guess I've just kind of become blank. I found this in my journal from about 2 months ago. I said: "I feel so empty all the time. And when I'm not feeling empty then I feel so full of pent up emotions that I just want to burst." And I guess I'm kind of feeling like that again. Like, there is nothing to write.

I'm just so unsure of everything; and so indecisive. It's driving me nuts. It's just like, how do you make the right decision? and how do you know you're making the right decision? I mean, you just don't. I guess that this just goes back to the whole consequences thing.

But you know, you can only go so long hovering with indecision before it drives you crazy; sooner or later you have to make a decision and then live with it. I've just become so bad at taking risks. I can't decide whether its a good thing or a bad thing.

I don't know I'm just so confused about it all the time. I don't know =/ One day I think one thing and then the next I change my mind. Earlier today I thought that I'd made a decision and now I'm rethinking it.

Blahhh. I suck at life.

Sorry, this is a lame way to come back after being gone for so long. But I figured that I don't know how long it'll be before I'm no longer blank. So I might as well say that I'm confused and semi-sad.

(Though, in happier news, prom was fun, and this past week/weekend has been good. Then again, prom made me realize that I miss that feeling that having a boyfriend that you really care about gives you. If that makes sense. But prom really was good.)

Anyway, todays picture is by UltraViolett and the quote is from Angel- Sarah McLachlan

"Spend all your time waiting for that second chance- for a break that would make it okay. There's always some reason to feel not good enough, and it's hard at the end of the day. I need some distraction- oh beautiful release- memory seeps from my veins. It's easier to believe in this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees."